google ranking factor

Is Publishing Contents Daily a Google Ranking Factor?

As SEO experts, we preach and advise website owners to be consistent with publishing contents on a daily basis. But then, is publishing contents daily a Google ranking factor for websites? Does publishing contents daily increases ranking on search engine? This is the question this content seeks to answer.

Recently, Google conducted an SEO office hangout in which people had the privilege of asking several questions while feedback and answers were given to the questions. To that effect, an unidentified participant asked if adding content on a regular basis helped in increasing a website ranking on search engines.

This is actually an important question because of the growing nature of the blogging industry and how SEO is becoming complex by the day. Google search engine has tons of ranking factors that we may not be able to find out which of them is more important than others. Therefore we advice a lot of things to be put into considerations in order to rank high on search engines.

Some of the things SEO experts advocate that website owners should pay attention to in order to rank well on search engines include but not limited to the list below;

  1. Quality contents: We advocate the need for quality contents above every other thing. At infoducation, we preach that as much as content is key, quality content is king. We pay more attention to writing quality contents than just publishing tons of contents daily.
  2. Consistency: We advocate that website owners should be very consistent in publishing contents on their websites. They should have a content publishing schedule and ensure that they stick strictly to it. This will make search engines understand how active the website is in order to rank them properly. We believe that when you are not consistent in your content publishing schedule, Google may bring your page lower and increase those from websites that are consistent. But is this actually true?
  3. Backlinks: No website can rank without quality backlinks. Backlinks increases the reputation of your website and gives you the opportunity of increasing your rank. As such, no website can climb the ladder of success on search engines without backlinks.
  4. Using short URLs: The shorter the URL, the better for your website. Although we have seen several pages that have successfully ranked despite the fact that their URL were long
  5. Website load speed: Your website and page load speed is critical to ranking. The faster your pages load, the better for you. When your page load speed is slow, you tend to have a very high bounce rate. In turn, high bounce rate kill your website ranking. People can hardly wait for more than 5 seconds for your page to load.
  6. Long tail keyword: Ensure you go for long tail keywords instead of short tail. This is because giants in the field has taken hold of short tail keywords and you cannot out rank them over night.
  7. Titles and Meta descriptions: Your title and meta description should be fully optimized to rank for the said keyword. To help you further in your meta and title tag optimization, ensure that you do not use long titles, use your keyword in your title and Meta description, use numbers, use a persuasive statement etc.
  8. Use of images and videos: Images and videos will help your contents look more original and as such, you tend to rank higher.
  9. Creating internal links (inbound links): You should be able to link to other related contents on your website. This will increases visitors dwell time on your website and in turn, increase your ranking.
  10. Creating external link (outbound links): Link to other websites where you pulled some quotes and phrases from.
  11. Enhancing readability of your contents with tools like grammarly. Also, the overall structure if your content will also enhance its readability.
  12. Using headers: Ensure you use the various sizes of headers for your contents.
  13. Social shares: The more shares your page has on social media, the more your chances of ranking on search engine. Although, this is with more particular emphasis to the Bing search.

These and lots more are important to ranking on search engine. But then, as we have been made to believe, are these ranking factors actually correct? We may teach and preach something different while search engines do it their own way.

This content will not focus on answering all these questions. Our focus is on the myth of publishing contents daily. 

In the SEO office hangout conducted by Google, the exact question that was asked is, “Does posting one content daily increase ranking?”

In response to the question the answer that was given is “No. although it was not ascertained who in particular gave out the answer, but it actually came from a Google team member.

Posting regularly on your website does not in any way help in ranking your website better than those who do not post daily. The only important thing in this practice is that it helps you create more pages for your websites. However, the more pages you have in the Google index, the more your content may show up in search results.

Although, getting your pages indexed is not an assurance that the page will be crawled. This is because Google does not crawl all web pages. Beyond the content quality, Google also pays attention to the overall quality of the website.

Google’s John Mueller said: “The other big reason why we don’t crawl a lot from websites is because we’re not convinced about the quality overall”.

Although, this does not mean that those who publish on a daily basis are in the wrong practice. The frequency with which you make posts on your website should be dependent on the chosen niche. If you have a news website, then you must ensure to make posts, (if possible) on hourly bases so as to remain relevant. But still remember that this will only help you have more pages index on Google. As much as it is not a Google ranking factor, it increases your chances of ranking.

There are several websites that makes posts daily and yet hardly get up to 1000 visitors. On the other hand, there are other websites that do not publish up to 10 contents monthly, yet rake in thousands of visitors daily. This makes it clear that posting daily is not a ranking factor.


If you post on a daily basis, go ahead. Running a blog is not for the lazy. Therefore, do not slow down your speed. As earlier stated, although publishing contents daily is not a Google ranking factor, it makes your website have several pages index on search engines. You may not know which of those pages will scale through and rank well.


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