Content Creation

Content Creation: 7 Qualities of a Good Content

Content creation has grown to become a highly demanded service in the internet space. With more than 300 million websites on the internet, seeking to be updated with contents as frequent as possible. Many of the owners of these websites do not write contents for themselves. Also some of the big websites across various niches leverage to services of content creators to build contents for their websites. As such in my post titled, “14 most profitable and high income skills”, content creation made the list. This is because the service is highly demanded. Seeing that the service is highly demanded, the pay per content is a good one.

What is Content Creation?

As the name implies, content creation can simply be defined as the act or process of creating contents. This is the simplest layman’s definition. But for more emphasis, content creation can be defined as an in-depth and systematic approach undertaken to build or write contents that are useful, relevant and answers questions from various searchers.

Every post on blogs and social media are known as contents. With this, there are various types of contents which includes text, Audio, Video, Image etc. As such, contents cannot just be limited to writing and publishing blog posts on websites. The videos uploaded on Youtube and other streaming platforms are also contents. The music from your favorite artists are also contents.

The field of contents creation is vast and as such can accommodate everyone. For you to be accommodated in this field, here are few things you should do

Find a niche: Having listed few aspects of content creation, it becomes important to know that you may not succeed in it if you want to be everywhere. As such, find an aspect of this industry and pitch your tent there. If you want to be a write, pay attention to it. If you want to be a graphic designer, focus on it

Develop yourself: Having discovered the niche that suits you in the content creation field, the next thing to do is to develop yourself to be able to use the various tools that will help you. For example, if you choose graphic design, develop yourself to use corel draw, Adobe photoshop, Canva and other tools. If you want to be a writer, develop yourself to use tools like grammarly and the likes. These tools will help you to be more professional in your chosen field.

Network: Having developed the relevant skill, the next thing is to network properly for clients to know you. Nobody ever get to the top in isolation. The referral of other colleagues can go along way in helping you. Also, a colleague may be so tied with work that he may choose to push some of his works to you. This can only be achieved when you network very well.

Promote yourself: While networking, ensure you promote yourself very well. We are in the era of social media and more than 70% of the world’s population uses social media, with more than 80% of the 70% using more than one of the social media platforms. As such, you can promote yourself using your social media profiles. No matter how few you friends and followers may be, keep pushing yourself on your social media account. Let people frequently see what you do. They may not need your services immediately but may refer you to someone who does. Also, in the long run, your services may be needed.

Leverage on freelancing platforms: When you have developed a skill in any of the content creation fields, search for jobs using the various freelancing platforms. There are lots of them on the internet. All you need to do is to create an account and promote yourself there. Some of the patforms that will help you includes; fiverr, upwork, writersgig, freelancer etc. Leverage these tools and others to help you get jobs.

Qualities of a Good Content

So then, what are the qualities of a good content? Do we even have bad or poor contents? In this section, I will list the qualities of a good contents. But then bear in mind that there are also bad and poorly written contents. This amount to high bounce rate. When your contents do not have quality, people will zoom off immediately after landing on your page. Many a times, your contents may not meet the demand of inquirers. When this happens you will surely not get patronage from visitors. So then what are the qualities of a good content?

Content Creation

#1 Must answer questions

The first quality of a good content is in its ability to answer questions. Every query initiated on search engine is intended to find an answer to some questions. As such, been able to answer such questions should be your key target. As you advance to grow in your content creation skill, this should be your first port of call. To be able to answer questions through your contents, you must understand how to perform keyword research. Keyword research helps you know what people are searching for. When you know what people are searching for, you will be able to narrow down your contents, instead of just writing on a broad topic that people may not be interested in.

#2 Originality

Nobody will want to see same contents in more than one website. As such, ensure you are always original. The originality of your content will make readers trust your website more than others. They will be sure to see original contents always. This is one of the secret we use at Infoducation. But where you copy a line or paragraph from another source, ensure you provide appropriate references that will help direct readers more. This will in turn make you avoid plagiarism.

#3 Easily understood

A quality content should be easily understood. When writing contents, bear in mind that there are several categories of people you are writing for. As such your contents should be presented in a manner that will suit all of them. The level of education of your readers are not the same. So ensure you do not use words that will need them to consult the dictionary before understanding in. In general, the overall outlay of your content should be well structured for every reader.   

#4 Must have more than one content type

I have earlier said that we have content types like text, voice, video etc. As such, where necessary, your content should be the combination of more than one content type if it must be original. Where you want to focus on text, apply relevant images too so as to throw more clarity to your text. The use of infographics can also go along way in enhancing the quality of your content.

#5 Consistent

Let your content be consistent with the known truth. Some of those who are reading your content may not be complete novice in the subject matter you are presenting. They already know a little of what you are writing about but just want to have a wider and clearer knowledge. As such, ensure that you retain consistency in your content. With this, they will be sure that you know what you are writing about.

#6 Engaging

If your content is very engaging, you will win the hearts of so many people. Have you seen some contents with hundreds of social media shares? This is because the contents were engaging enough that the readers thought it wise to share them with people on social media. When this happen, the bounce rate of your website will reduce. Also, when people stay long on your content, search engines will be convinced that such a content has quality and as such, tend to rank it more.

#7 Informative

If you want to write on a subject matter or keyword, give out every information you have about the topic. Do not hide any information from your readers. This will make them want to devour your contents line by line instead of jumping from one website to another. Although not all contents should be long, but ensure that no matter how short it may be, let it be as informative as possible. At infoducation, the shortest content we write is about 1500 words. Although this does not mean that the content length is a weighty matter but we try as much as possible to be detailed and informative enough.

How to Write Quality Contents

Having stated the features and characteristics of a quality content, the next thing is to tell you the steps and guiding principles in doing it. As such, we have written a step by step guide on how to write a quality content. You can refer to it to learn more.

Let us write for you

At infoducation, our team are professionals in this area of content creation that our services are highly demanded. Our content focus include; Education, Politics, Health, Business, Technology, Product Review, How-to, Religion etc.

For academic purposes, we can help you write Term papers, Assignment and Research work

Lets write for you

To connect with us, here are our various social media handles


Whatsapp: +2347064635053


You can trust us to write for you and be assure of quality. We accept payments through paypal, direct money transfer, sendwave and payoneer. We deliver contents within 48hours.


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