For how long have you owned a website? What is the quality of your website traffic? Do you want to increase your website traffic?
In the world of internet, no traffic is enough. Even if your website is the only website on the internet with particular information such that everybody seeking information on that subject matter is directed to your website, the traffic will still not be enough for you. This is not greed. It is passion for growth.
Anyone who is seeking to grow will not be satisfied with current success. Do you want more traffic for your website? I guess you are aware that there are currently more than one billion websites on the internet with thousands coming up daily. If so be, there are thousands of websites that renders the same service with you and there are tons of blog that share the same information you share on your blog. Yet, the traffic is limited.
The same people you are targeting are the same people your competitors are targeting. It means that for every traffic you get, your competitors loose traffic. Also, for every traffic your competitors get, you lose traffic. There are lots of websites targeted at a limited audience. This post will help me boost your traffic.
If fully applied, at least, your traffic will double. Running a successful website is more than just hosting a domain in the cloud and publishing contents on the site. There is more to blogging than meets the eyes. Blogging is not a business for lazy people. At least, successful bloggers have quit their well-paid jobs so as to focus on their blog. Blogging can make you financially free for life.
If you want to know how to increase your website traffic, then you are in the right place. This is the content you are looking for. We will help you with relevant content and information needed to grow your blog from bottom to top and from nothing to something
1. Write quality content
The first thing on the list is quality content. If you want to have more visitors to your website, ensure you have quality contents so that your visitors will derive maximum satisfaction when they visit your website. Many websites have high bounce rate because several visitors seem not to find meaningful and helpful information on their website. You will surely not continue to patronize any shop that you do not get satisfaction from their services.
Quality contents will earn you high recommendations and direct visitors. If a visitor knows that in visiting your website and reading your contents, he will find answers to his question, then be sure that he may not need to do a random search on Google for information. He heads straight up to your website. That is where he is sure to get helpful information from.
How to get quality contents
Be original: If your content must be quality, then ensure it is original. People will not be happy if your contents are not original. Originality is key. By original, it means that your contents should be written by you. In the case where some part of your contents is copied for other websites, provide the necessary reference to the original source. It will build readers trust and you will not be guilty of plagiarism.
Do an in-depth study on every topic you want to write about: Don’t just write because writing is your hobby or because it is a must for you to post contents day. Do a thorough study around the subject matter you are writing about. I personally like reading backlinko and neilpatel because they are experts in what they teach. They do not teach as though they are not sure of the information they are sharing. As such, if you want to write quality content, ensure you do a thorough research and study so as to come up with helpful information.
Avoid copying and pasting: Even Google detest copy and paste. Any blog that is a specialist in copy and paste does not merit patronage. If you must copy, ensure you paraphrase before sharing. There are times when copying is inevitable. For example, news blogs copy from each other. But then, make sure it is not word for word.
Be informative and detailed enough: The next attribute of quality content is that it is informative and detailed enough. Try as much as possible to make every of your content the final bus stop to your readers. Make sure that after reading your contents, your readers will still not look for further information to augment what they learnt from your content. Also make sure that they do not seek further verification of your contents. If these are set in place, then be sure that you will have their patronage and recommendation always. Do not hide any helpful or meaningful information from your readers.
If you must employ freelancer writers, get the best of them: There are times when you will need the services of freelancers. You cannot do it all alone. In blogging, content is key. There are some blogs that publish more than 20 contents per day. This cannot be done by one person. You must need the services of others. Therefore, ensure that you get the best of them. Make sure that you do not employ people who will not put together quality and amazing contents.
Share practical tips: Another thing is that readers love practical a lot. Don’t just tell them how to do it. Tell them how you did it when it was your turn. Share practical and real life scenarios with them. There are times that theories will not help. For example, if you have a content that talks about how to lose 50kg in three months, don’t just tell them what to do. If you know someone that lost 50kg in three months, share the success tips with your readers. They will love your contents more. If you want to teach people how to get more traffic to your blog and you are still battling between 500-1000 daily visitors, then there is a missing link. Share screenshot of your analytics dashboard of the time you were battling with getting visitors and your current dashboard. When they see the progress you’ve made, they will pitch their tents on your blog.
2. Use internal links
Another way of getting traffic is by using internal link. For example if I have some contents on my website titled, “how to start up a successful blog”, “how to grow your blog”, “how to increase revenue for your blog”, “how to get backlinks” and “how to do SEO as a professional”. You should be able to link these contents together. Anybody who want to start a successful blog will also want to know how to grow his blog. He will also want to increase revenue, do backlinks and SEO well. With this, when they leave the content and go to the next, they still hang around your website. This will increase your visitors dwell time and reduce your bounce rate. If you are not aware, this is one of Google’s serious ranking factor. When people spend more time on your website, it tells search engines that your content has quality and as such, you tend to rank more.
3. The more Contents you have, the more chances you have
In blogging, it is commonly said that content is key. One of the top secret of growing your blog is by investing your time and resource into contents. The more contents you have the more chances of getting more readers to your blog. Having more contents on your blog is likened to a shop that sells different varieties of phones. You have more chances of selling than another person who sells only iPhones. So get more contents as possible to your blog. If you have 100 quality contents on your blog, you stand the chance of having more visitors than someone who has 10 quality contents.
Go through several blogs that has massive traffic in a day, you will discover that most of them publish tons of contents every day. This is why they record thousands of visitors in a day. Also, the more contents you have, the more your chance of ranking for various keywords. Invest time and money in getting quality contents.
Let me give you 3 tips on how to get more contents to your blog.
Set your goal: Set your goal of how many contents you want to have every day. If you have a news blog, work towards getting at least 20 contents daily. If you have a scholarship blog, work towards getting at least 10 contents daily. The kind of niche you operate in will determine the content goal you set for yourself.
Employ more staff: If you have some funds to employ staff for your blog, go ahead and do it. If you play your games well, your small blog today could become a strong brand tomorrow. Therefore, invest in your employees. For example, if you have the goal of publishing of having 15 contents daily, you can surely not do it alone. It is advised that you employ 2 or 3 other people. With this, the work will be shared among you and the employees and with that, and the goal will be easily achieved.
Hire freelance writers: If you do not want to employ people, then you can hire the service of freelancers. Freelancers are paid per content written. There are several sites to hire freelancers like; writersgig, upwork, fiverr, freelance, freelancer, etc. But it is more advisable to employ people who will grow the blog together with you.
4. Long tail keywords
As much as possible, use long tail keywords because giants in the industry have already taken the ranking for short tail keywords. You surely do not have what it takes to compete with giants in the short tail keywords.
For example, if you search for the keyword “how to do seo” in google, you will see results from sites like Moz, Ahref, Neilpatel, Backlinko, wordstream and forbes. If you search for the same keyword on bing, you still see websites like wikihow, ahref, semrush, neilpatel and moz. These guys are the giants in this industry and competing with them is dead on arrival. You cannot compete with them.
As such, if you want to write a content on the seo keyword, you can go for a long tail keyword like “how to do seo without spending money”, “how to do seo for a new website”, “how to do seo for a boring niche”, “how to do seo for an ecommerce website”. If you target long tail keywords, you have higher chances of ranking in a short while than when you target short tail keywords. Although the long tail keywords have lesser search volumes compared to short tail keywords, stick to long tail keywords.
When your site starts ranking for several long tail keywords, then your chances of ranking for short tail keyword will start becoming clearer and brighter. Here are free tools that will help you do your keyword research
How to get a good domain name for your new website
Profitable blogging niches for prospective bloggers in 2022
5. Do not compete with giants
As much as I have talked about leaving the long tail keywords for the giants, I must reiterate that you should not make the mistake of competing with giants. See yourself as someone who is in the business to add value and not someone who is in the business to compete with giants. As long as you are in the business, there must be competition. But then, that should not be your primary focus.
You cannot create a search engine that will outrank Google, or a social network that will outrank facebook. But you can create a search engine to serve people. You can create a social network to network people. When competition becomes your driving force, your small business will not grow. Some of these giants spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on advert monthly. Meanwhile your revenue a year may not even be upto a quarter of their monthly ads budget. Then how do you think you can compete with them?
6. Get Quality Backlinks
Get quality backlinks for your contents. Let me explain the importance of backlinks with an example. Suppose you visit a school that has about 500 students and 10 mathematics teacher. If you try to find out who the best mathematics teacher is and you ask 300 hundred of those students who their most favorite mathematics teacher is. If 180 of those students say its teacher A, 70 says its teacher B, 30 says its teacher C, 5 says its teacher D and so on. Although you have not questioned about 200 other students but you will come to a conclusion that teacher A is the best mathematics teacher is that school. As such, if you want to recommend a mathematics teacher for someone or for your child, you will surely pick teacher A.
This is what backlinks means. When multiple sites point to a particular content, it tells search engines that the content those sites point to is original and authentic. As such, Google will surely rank you very well.
7. SEO
SEO means Search Engine Optimization. Millions of searches are conducted on search engines. As such, search engines provide relevant results for these searches. No site ever ranks on search engine without SEO. It is SEO that optimizes a particular content on search engines.
When you search for a given keyword on google, there are thousands of contents that have been created around that keyword. Yet, there are only 10 contents on google’s first page and 10 on google’s second page. There is actually something special about those contents on google’s first page that made them rank on the first page. That is SEO. They were more optimized than other contents. I will prepare a guide of how to do SEO. While waiting for that guide, let me throw little tips on how to do SEO
Optimize your title page
Optimize your meta description
Choose a keyword
Avoid keyword stuffing
Use images optimize your images with the target keywords
Get backlink
Use inbound and outbound links
Boost your site load speed
Uninstall plugins you are not using
Use headers in your contents.
8. Leverage Social media
Social media is also a heavy source of traffic. This is why many people use social media to boost sales for their business. If you want to get more traffic to your blog, do not neglect social media. As a matter of fact, most of your target audiences are out there on social media platforms. Thus, leveraging social media will help you reach them. There are various plugins that will help you share you contents on your social media page or accounts. Use them to boost your traffic. Engage in social media groups and pages where your perceived audiences are. If you must run ads, social media ads are also effective and go a long way in driving traffic to your website.
9. Referrals
Referral remains the best marketing tool to grow any business. There are several people that once they mention your blog to anybody, your blog becomes a visiting destination to them. I became familiar with neilpatel and backlinko through the referral of a trusted friend. Ensure your blog gets referrals from other bloggers. It will increase your backlinks. To get quality referral, ensure you write quality contents. When your contents do not solve any problem, nobody will refer your site to anybody. When your contents are mostly copy and paste, your site will not be referred at all.
10. Email marketing
Many digital marketers recommend email marketing because it is a very powerful tool to help you grow your blog. Neilpatel receives thousands of monthly visitors through the emails he broadcasts. Therefore, in your blog, ensure you have a plugin with which you collect emails. When you broadcast your new article through the emails you collect, there are chances of having few or more visitors through that exercise. The more emails you collect, the more people you reach out to and the more chances of getting visitors through that link. In blogging, every visitor matters. One click can make a big difference. So ensure you get that one extra click. You never can tell the extent it goes.
11. Adverts
Advertisement is a part of blogging you cannot run away from. I guess you see lots of them on facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedin, Google etc. There are some people you can only reach through adverts. Also, to get what you need, you use what you have. You cannot grow a successful blog without advertisement. So invest little money into ads and you stand the chance of getting a good return on investment. Leverage on various advertisement platforms to push your blog.
For example, if you search for a competitive keyword on google, you will find out that the first 2 or 3 contents on the first page are adverts. If you search on youtube, you will also find out that before a video loads, a shot advert will be shown. The same thing goes for social media. Advertisement is a branch of blogging that needs serious attention as well. In advertising, ensure you do it in the right way. Do not run ads because you have money to spend.
Know the right channel to run your ads. If you want to get more traffic on your blog, then television and radio ads is useless for you. Printing flex banners also will not make sense. The right way to run these ads is an online campaign where people can directly click your link and be redirected to your blog. Don’t advertise on platforms where people will have to copy out your link and type them letter by letter. They might make mistake in spelling it.
12. Sponsored posts
Sponsored posts are those posts that you pay to publish on other website. There are websites that needs to give you backlinks but the backlink will not be gotten for free. Look for such websites, write quality and powerful content, pay them to publish that content on the website. You will surely not regret the result in months to come. Getting backlinks from a site like; forbes and others will make you smile. Overtime, it can boost your alexa ranking. Therefore, subscribe for sponsored posts from other websites. As far as blogging is concerned, no sacrifice is too much to be paid. Spend as much as you can but ensure you spend right and wisely.
13. Guest posts
You can write guest post for other website. There are some blogs that get contents by accepting guest posts and in turn giving you backlinks. Look for such website and publish on them. Add the source of the content (your website) at the bottom of the post. When people read the content, few may come over to your website. With that, you have made more visitors. Some of them may even become paying customers as time goes by.
14. Get involved in relevant forums
Forums are giants and masters of backlinks. There are relevant forums for the niche you choose. Get involved in such forums. If you are lucky to have your content moved to first page of such forums, you will smile in the end. So, look for such forums and become an active member in them.
15. Improve on your website loading speed
The loading speed of your website goes a long way in determining the quality and quantity of traffic you get on your blog. People will surely not wait for up to 5 seconds just for you website to load. The loading speed of your website can discourage several people from coming to your blog. Therefore, if you want to improve or speed up the loading speed of your website, install plugins that helps you achieve that. The faster your website loads the better for you. The slower your website load, the harder it is for visitors wait till it loads. At most, your site loading speed should be on the average of 2-3 seconds; else you tend to lose lots of potential and paying customers.
16. Comment on other blogs with related content and leave your link
Comments are ways of improving interaction and engagement on your blog. It is good that if you want to get more traffic, comment on other blogs but make sure that you do not spam their blogs. In commenting, add a link back to your blog and you never can tell how many visitor that link will send to you blog. Your comments must be in related space to your blog. For example, I publish a content title “10 must have plugins for every wordPress blog”. If you have content titled, “how to increase your site load speed”. It will be sure that one of the plugins on my list will be to help increase your site load speed. With this, you can add a comment to that so as to throw more light on how to use plugins to increase your website load speed.
17. Add the link to your blog on all your social media profile
Social media is a strong marketing channel for your blog. Many people may want to know more about you and where you work. Thus they will get such information from your social media platform. As such, ensure you add the link to your blog on all your social media platforms. Tons of people will get to know about your blog through that and you will get more visits from that. Remember that little drops of water makes and ocean. In blogging, getting thousands of visitor starts by getting one visitor. Therefore, every one visitor is important. Go every mile in order to get that one visitor.
18. Encourage comments in order to boost engagement
Another way to drive massive traffic to your blog is by encouraging comments. With comments, you get feedbacks from people. You get people to share their own thoughts. This strategy will work fine if you reply to the comments from people. It will enhance and encourage interaction between you and your visitors. This will in turn increase visitors dwell time on your blog, which is a strong ranking factor on Google. When visitors post comments and you reply, they tend to come back again to see other comments and replies from you. This is one of the top secrets used by Neil Patel in his blogs. Replying comments will convince your visitors that you know what you are writing about.
Your success in blogging is a function of the number of visitors you get per day, week or even month. Therefore, it is the earnest heart desire of every blogger to increase the number of visits they get. I have outlined some ways to increase your traffic. Pay attention to them and watch your traffic grow. You will not get to the top magically, but you will surely get there someday. Apply these steps carefully. If anything is missing, use the comment box to educate us more. In conclusion, here is a recap of how to increase your website traffic.
- Write quality content
- Use internal links
- The more Contents you have, the more chances you have
- Long tail keywords
- Do not compete with giants
- Backlinks
- Social media
- Referrals
- Email marketing
- Adverts
- Sponsored posts
- Guest posts
- Get involved in relevant forums
- Improve on your website loading speed
- Comment on other blogs with related content and leave your link
- Add the link to your blog on all your social media profile
- Encourage comments in order to boost engagement
Try every possible and available trick you know, provided it does not go against search engine’s policy. These steps above will help you get massive traffic to your site if you apply them with commitment and dedication. Every website that ranks on Google’s first page has most of these things in practice on their platform. You will enjoy blogging if you put in your best and be dedicated and committed to it. These are ways to get traffic to your website. Now, go and start directing those searchers to your blog. I guess this post has directed you on how to Get more traffic to your Website. Cheers
Very informative article, thanks for sharing.
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