how to run adverts professionally
how to run adverts professionally

How to Run Adverts Professionally: 12 Ads Secret from top brands

Have you ever thought of how to run adverts professionally? Today, it is an established fact that businesses cannot grow without adverts and promotion. As a result of that, advertisement companies rake in billions of dollars yearly by helping businesses reach their target audience. Adverts accounts for the bulk of money generated by facebook, google, youtube, bing, yahoo etc. Also, bloggers and many website owners depend on adverts to generate revenue.

It means that the demand for advertisement is on the rise. As the demand for advertisement is on the rise, you need to advertise your business as well. Severally, you must have come across different adverts on websites you visit for information or the television and radio station you are watching and listening to. These adverts may be direct adverts or are served by advertising agencies. Whatever kind of advert it may be, the aim is always the same – to increase sales and profits.

In this regards, advertising your business has become a necessity that you cannot overlook. It is a common saying that “you use what you have to get what you want”. You actually want to grow your business by creating awareness which in turn increases your sales. This can only be possible when you put your money to use. You may not have as much money as you want to grow your business, but while you work hard to increase sales, it is important you use the little you have and watch the tremendous outcome.

What are the benefits of advertisement?

We pay the prize in order to reap fruits in the end of our labour. In like manner, advertising your business is accompanied by several benefits. Here are the benefits of advertising your business. But more importantly, attention should be paid to find out the benefits to gain when you find out how run adverts professionally

  1. Wider reach: With advertisement, your business tends to reach places where ordinarily you cannot reach. For example, majority of the products we use today are manufactured in other countries. Through adverts, people get to know about the product and in turn demand for them. But without advertisement, the product will continue to revolve around a particular location. Thus, if you think your business has a larger and bigger prospect, then advertisement will help you achieve that.
  2. To break geographical boundaries: With advertisement, your business will also break the limitation of geographical boundaries and then join in the global competition for customers. The internet has become the greatest tool for globalization. As such, bringing your business to the internet is the best decision you will take in regards to your business. But then, if you have a website for your business without promotion, you are like someone who has a shop in a remote place where people hardly comes, yet he does no promotion for the business. Having a website for your business without promoting it is trash.
  3. To create more awareness: There is no better way to create awareness for your business than advertisement. It’s a bet that there are some products we use today which we have not used before or seen anyone using it. But the kind of adverts we saw about it drew our attention to the said product. This is why you should advertise your product. Sometimes, the need for the product may not be urgent. Yet you must advertise it. For example, I may have interest in an IVM car and yet I do not have the money to buy it. But with the intention that if I have enough money, it is the car I will buy. As such, advertising the car will be very important so as to refresh my interest in the said car. If the company refuses to advertise the car, I may stumble upon an advert of another car and pick up interest in it, thereby removing my interest from the IVM. This is why not all adverts may increase you sales at the moment. But with time, your sales will surely increase.
  4. To increase sale: The aim of every business is to increase sales. No matter how many customers you have, you surely want more. No amount of customers is too much for a business as long as there are enough inventories. Advertising your business will help you increase sales rapidly. For example, Hisense products became very popular in the Nigerian market after the 2018 world cup (remember that Hisense was one of the sponsors of the 2018 world cup). Sponsoring the world cup is an effective advertisement strategy and Hisense leveraged on it. Several Nigerians never knew about Hisense until during the tournament. In the end, Hisense displaced lots of giants in electronic market in Nigeria. This is the power of advertisement. Your sales will skyrocket greatly.
  5. In increase revenue: If you are increasing sales, you are also increasing revenue and most probably, profit also. When 10 people get to know about your business, it is most likely that at least one of them may become a paying customer. Every customer matters in business and must be treated in a unique way.  
  6. To have a competitive advantage over other businesses: Advertisement will give you a competitive advantage over other competitors. Most times, the most demanded products in the market may not actually be the best of its kind, instead they are highly demanded because of the ability of the company to make their products available at various locations. With this, other competitors will come behind your product. It may surprise you to know that companies with billions of dollars in revenue yearly spend millions of dollars in adverts. Today, Facebook boasts of more than three billions users, yet they spend heavily in advertising on Google and other advertisement platforms. Seeing that the social networking business has become competitive with companies like, Snapchat, instagram, linkedin, tiktok etc, such that if Facebook slacks, any of these companies could take over as the giant. This is why they keep advertising so as to remain at the top.
  7. To retain the market: Getting to the top in a market is a very hard thing to do, but remaining at the top is even harder. With advertisement, you can get to the top and it is still advertisement that will keep you at the top. If your company is an innovative company, it is advertisement that will communicate the innovation to you customers. This is why maltina is no longer a strong brand. This is the major reason why Google is better and bigger than yahoo, though yahoo started several years before Google. For this reason, Facebook is bigger than twitter, Skype, MySpace etc. though several of these platforms came on board before Facebook. You cannot retain the market without advertisement.

These said, you now agree that you need to promote your business. If you are a website owner, SEO is not just enough. Neilpatel is one of the biggest SEO professionals in the world today, yet his company spends millions of dollars on adverts yearly.

Your little blog needs advertisement to grow. Your company needs advertisement to grow. Whatever you do, you surely need advertisement to grow. This is why this content is aimed at teaching you how best to run adverts for your business and achieve results.

Here are 12 proven ways to run a more focused advert that will have a high return on investment.

1. Pay attention to popular brands

The first thing in understanding how to run adverts professionally is to pay attention to the platform through which you are advertising. Today, many companies pay heavily to advertise on Facebook, Google, CNN, BBC, Nairaland etc. These platforms have been built over time to help you achieve what you need. As such, there are high chances that you will achieve your advertisement goal.

If you are advertising a product or event via social media, you will have a good return on investment for your adverts. But then, if you are advertising a blog post on social media, you will surely have tons of readers who will come to your blog but there is not guarantee that they will convert to paying customers. Though this is strictly for blogs that depend 100% on advertisement companies like Google Adsense and MediaNet for their revenue. You will have several people who will come to your blog to read those contents. They may not click on the adverts displayed by Google. Even if they do and return back to your blog or Facebook (where they came from), Google may not pay for that click. With this, you have increase traffic through your advertisement but have not increased sales and revenue.

So, it is good you understand the platform on which you are advertising so as to be able to run adverts that will yield your desired goal. But then, if you have a product or service or an event you advertise through these platforms, you will be happy you did.

2. Know where you audience are and how to reach them

The next thing is to find out where your audience are and how to reach them. Today, most companies want to advertise on Facebook. But then, are their customers actually on Facebook. If they are, can you reach them through the platform? It is possible that your customers are on Facebook yet you cannot reach them there. This is because every user has intentions. The user intention on every platform is a factor to consider before deciding to run an advert on the platform. For example, there are people who come to Facebook only to read posts and chat. They may not click on any advert that pops up on Facebook no matter how attractive it appears to be. As such, Facebook may not be the best place to reach those users.

Also, there are times you search for information on Google just to find out that the first 3 links on Google first page are adverts, most people do not click on those adverts. Instead, they look for other websites that rank after the adverts and click on it. To them, they feel that those advertising on Google, are buying traffic to their website while the other no-advert contents that rank are the real and quality content they need. Because for a content to rank on Google’s first page, it must have quality.

Sometimes, your audience and customers may be on Pinterest or even Quora. If so, there is no need wasting money for adverts on Facebook. Sometimes, your customers may be in front on the television more than on their handheld devices. Thus, television advert will be more focused than internet adverts. You must understand the demography of your audience so as not to waste money on advertisement.

3. Advertise in bits

If you are not very familiar with running adverts, then it is advisable that you start your advert campaigns on small budgets and then migrate to bigger budgets. You don’t spend all your money in running adverts when you have not fully understood the best practices in running adverts. The point is this, advertise in bit as a way of test running to get more knowledge and on the long run, you can confidently put in much money.

Secondly, in advertisement, the shorter the duration, the better. There are some adverts that you pay daily for. For example, if your adverts budget is $10 daily. It is better to run the adverts for a shorter duration and monitor the performance of such an advert. If the performance is impressive, then you could continue to renew the ads.

4. Define your campaign goal

In order to know how to run adverts professionally, it is okay to understand what you want to achieve with your adverts. Not all adverts are aimed at increasing sales immediately. Some are aimed at creating awareness of an event, some are used to still tell people that the said product is still in the market (e.g Coca cola). So, clearly define what you want to achieve in the end. The goal of advertising is blog post is totally different from that of advertising a product.

5. Advertise for the right keywords

You must also understand keyword research in trying to run adverts, especially for search engines. Run adverts for keywords you understand and want to rank for. Bearing in mind that as a startup, your ads budget will be nothing to compared with that of big brands in the niche. So as much as we advice that your contents should focus on long tail keywords in order to avoid competition with giants (because you will lose out), in like manner, the same thing should be replicated in running adverts. The big brand has a fat budget for several keywords so focus on long tail keywords for your adverts. Though, this is strictly for search engine adverts.

6. Advertise what is relevant at that time

To get the best of your advert, advertise what is relevant. For example, if we want to advertise an event where people will pay to attend. Suppose the proposed target is 5000 persons and we cannot increase the capacity. Also, suppose the event is to hold between 5th – 10th of June 2022 and we want to start the advertising the event from April 2022. It may not be wise to advertise it straight from April till June because once the 5000 participants registers, every other registration will not be approved. At the point where we have reached 5000 registered participant, the advert becomes irrelevant since we cannot increase the capacity. This is why you must learn to advertise in bit to avoid waste of money.

How to run adverts professionally

7. Find out the location of your customers

A client of mine needed to advertise his school where students will come for classes at a central location. He ran adverts on Facebook and got lots of calls from interested students. Sadly, those students where in locations were they could not come for the physical class. With that, it becomes clear that such advert was a complete waste of resource. This is surely not how to run adverts professionally. Beyond knowing the internet location of your customers, you must also find their physical location. Not every advert is for everybody.

This is why you choose your location why advertising so that the wrong people will not be fed with your advert. If you do not reach the people who are interested in your product or service, and if your adverts meet the people who are not interested in your product or service, both are waste. Knowing not every product is for everybody in every location, you should not serve such adverts to those locations.

For example, it is a well known fact that facebook is not used in China. It will become a waste of resources to advertise Facebook in China or to advertise facebook globally. If you advertise facebook globally, it will be served to people in China who do not need it. This is why you must find out the physical location of your customers. If you run a restaurant in Texas, it will not make sense to advertise such restaurant for those in Washington. This is just the simple formular. Send the adverts to where they are needed.

8. Let your banner be catchy and attractive

If you try to understand how to run adverts professionally, then the role of a good graphic designer cannot be overemphasized. Several persons have ended up clicking on ads just because the ads banner was amazing. Creating an ads banner with multiple texts is not professional. Keep the text and wording few, while the images do the talking.

On the other hand, unprofessional ads banners has driven lots of potential clients away from your ads campaign. Hence, in running a good advert, invest money into the quality of ads banner you use. Let the ads banner be unique as well. For example, if I want to run an advert for a blog post on chevening scholarship, its true that chevening has its logo, which I could use for the ads campaign I want to run. But then, in order to make the ads very unique, it is proper to design another banner specifically for the ads. Although, in the banner, the logo of chevening should be included. This will make the ads banner very unique to my blog. To get a professional designer for you banner, CLICK HERE or HERE

9. Study other adverts you come across online

Try to study other adverts you come across online either via Facebook, Google Adword or other platforms. For the fact that companies spend tons of money is advertising and getting result is not a guarantee that your ads will also yield profitable and lucrative results. As such, spend time to study those ads you come across online. There are several things to be learnt from them which you can apply in your ads campaign.

10. Focus on seasonal opportunities

Another big advertising secret is to focus on seasonal opportunities like black Fridays, anniversaries, giveaways, valentines, etc. These opportunities do not come frequently and as such, whenever they come up, people will want to leverage on it maximally. For example, events like black Friday are big times people do not joke with. For the fact that the get products and service at a highly subsidized rate. As such, running adverts on black Friday related services will convert big time. Also, if you have followed the trend of iPhone, you will find out that few weeks to the launch of their latest product, they run massive adverts in order to create more awareness prior to the day of launch. Thus, such events could also be worth the adverts because Apple understands the benefits and how to run adverts professionally.

11. Use short descriptions for your ads

I have stumbled on several ads on Facebook with very long descriptions. It sure does not make sense. Keep your ads description as short and brief as possible. In my quest and studies on how to run adverts professionally, i have discovered that people tend to be more interested in pictures and images more than texts. The benefit of having a good ads banner is so that through the banner, people could understand what to expect by clicking on your ads. So, having a description as long as one hundred words or even more is out of it. The shorter and more explanatory it is, the better for you.

12. Optimize you ads for mobile devices

Statistics shows that mobile users are the highest users in the electronic device market. Its possible that your ads will do well on desktop but not on mobile devices. Seeing that mobile devices account for the highest internet users, it is important to optimize your ads campaign for mobiles. SEO professional will always tell you to optimize your contents for mobile devices. If you successfully optimize your ads campaign for mobile devices, the question of how to run adverts professionally will be answered


Advertisement will help you grow your business faster. But then, making money gets tougher by the day and as such, wasting the little you get makes no sense. If you follow the guidelines provided in this article, you will surely succeed in your advertisement campaign. Several of the big brands you see today use these strategy and that is why their results are massive because they understand the nitty-gritty of how to run adverts professionally. This is a topnotch advertising secret you can leverage on. Try them out and start achieving results. Cheers.


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