youtube vs blogging
youtube vs blogging

YouTube Vs Blogging: Choosing the right option for beginners

In recent time, the need to run an online business is on the rise daily. There are many businesses you can do on the internet and earn bulk of money every month. But then, this article seeks to compare YouTube vs blogging and guide beginners on which decision to take.

I am emphatic on these two aspects because of several questions that has been raise by people seeking guidance and advice on which particular one to do. Actually, none of them is easy such that they both require so much energy and time to be effective.

In this comparison of YouTube vs blogging, we will look at the issues in setting up a YouTube channel and a blog. We look at how to make money form the two, how to promote and several other issues. Hopefully, this will be the best content you have ever come across in a bid to make an effective choice between running a YouTube channel and owing a blog.


YouTube is a video search engine owned by Alphabet Inc. (the parent company of Google). It allows you share videos of whatever categories to a wider audience. It has grown to become the second largest search engine after Google, although YouTube was designed mainly for videos while other search engines are for text, audio and video. On other search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex etc, you can search for virtually everything and anything. But on YouTube, the searches are strictly limited to videos and audios in some cases.

Over time, several persons has chosen to create a YouTube channel and use it for several businesses.

Who needs a YouTube channel?

YouTube channels are needed by almost everyone who has something to offer. Videos on YouTube encompass every facet of life such that whatever you do, you can create a channel for the niche. On YouTube, you will find videos on tutorials, church programmes, music (of every category), movies, sports and so on. You can share videos of various categories on YouTube except for videos that houses adult contents (pornography).

Also, YouTube is needed by those who have values to offer and in-turn make money from the videos they create. Everything on YouTube is all about people such that if you have something to offer, you can leverage on it. If there is anything you can offer or teach people, try YouTube as a platform. Instrumentalists leverage on YouTube to get a wider audience of learners.

Who uses YouTube?

As people search the internet for anything, people also search YouTube for almost everything. As technology innovates by the years, organizations and companies seeks for ways to satisfy their audience more.  Today, everyone needs YouTube as the quest for knowledge increases.

Students needs tutorials on YouTube to do their assignment and understand some issues in regards to a particular course. Sports lovers need YouTube to be updated with memories of their best moment. Chefs need YouTube to learn how to make better dishes. Music lovers need YouTube to stay updated with releases in the entertainment industries (musicians benefit more from YouTube).  You need YouTube to follow up on events you could not attend physically. Politically, you need YouTube to stay up to date on news

YouTube in education: In education, YouTube has become an indispensable tool for every students. While doing my Masters’ degree programme, I had an assignment on C++ that I could not do. I leveraged on YouTube for more knowledge. YouTube is needed for mathematics, Geography, Physics, Accounting, Chemistry, Computer science and so on. Coupled with the fact that you may only have one tutor for a particular course. He will approach issues from a streamlined perspective. YouTube gives you the leverage to get more from other tutors.

YouTube in entertainment: In entertainment, YouTube has taken over. In recent time, many people do not bother about buying CDs for an album released by an artist. Instead rather they head over to YouTube to get the videos needed. Before YouTube came on board, the circulation on videos were not very fast. For example, if an artist releases a video in Canada, it may take several months before it get to China. But on YouTube, several music videos hit more than one million views worldwide within 24 hours. Same applies to movies.

YouTube in sports: In sports, YouTube finds a very high relevance such that it is a platform through which people keep track of their amazing memories. People who were not privileged to watch a match will want to see how Ronaldo netted the ball. We want to watch several wrestling matches, basketball, volley ball etc.

YouTube in politics: Politics is not out of it as far as YouTube’s relevance is concerned. Some political moments can be tracked through YouTube

YouTube in career: There are various channels on YouTube through which you can build a career. Some youTubers dedicate their channel totally for the purpose of career development. If you follow their teachings, several of your questions will find their appropriate answers and your career will be modeled and patterned in the right direction.

YouTube in “how to”: On YouTube, there are a lot of “how to” videos. People want to know how to do something and as such they head over to YouTube. There are somethings that learning them by reading blog posts may not be enough. Instead watching a video or more and see how it was done. For example, you may not fully understand how to mix ingredients for a particular dish and the appropriate proportion to put. The best bet is to go over to YouTube and see how it is done.

YouTube in religion: Also in religion, the relevance of YouTube is not out of out. Especially in this period of post Covid 19 experience and other communicable diseases. It is no longer advised to go to places with large population. As such, following your church programme via YouTube has become massive. On YouTube, you can also follow your favorite preacher, imam, artist, crusade and so on.

YouTube for historical moments/events: In historical moment tracking, YouTube is superb. It is possible to upload a video on YouTube and even forget about the video. But as months run into years, that video can be referenced. For example, in Nigerian music industry, a woman known as Theresa Onuorah sang a song titled “Egedege” in the year 2014. For 7 years the video had less than three hundred thousand views. Yet the majority of the views came after the son was remixed 7 years later. In the course of time, another musician named Larry Gaaga saw the song. He then requested for a remix with Theresa Onuorah, Flavor and Phyno. Within 3 months, the remixed had more than five million views. This is a clear example of how YouTube keeps track of historical moments.

As such, it will be agreed that everyone needs YouTube for one thing or the other. Students, teachers, entertainers, lovers of fun, politicians, preachers and so on.

Why do you need a YouTube channel?

Having got to this stage, the next thing is to find out is why you need a YouTube channel. This is what determines if you should choose venturing into YouTube or blogging or none.

  1. You have something to offer: if you have value to offer, then think of YouTube. Many people leverage YouTube to send value to people out there and in turn make money for the little thing they do.  
  2. It helps you reach a wider audience: The internet has become the greatest tool for globalization. As such, having a YouTube channel will help you globalize the little thing you do in your closet. If you notice in the tutorials you watch, some are taught from the bedroom, living room and even kitchen. Ordinarily, you will not permit strangers into your bedroom or kitchen for the sake of privacy. But then, you can produce a video in the comfort of your room and send it out for the whole world to watch
  3. Without a channel, you may not go beyond comments and subscription: Just as you cannot publish contents on some websites and forums without first of all creating an account, you cannot also upload videos on YouTube without having a channel. Without a channel, you can only download, comment and subscribe. For the purpose of this content, it is believed that you have stuffs to offer on YouTube. As such, a channel is what will help you achieve that
  4. Your channel is what people subscribe to: What determines your level of success on YouTube is the number of subscribers you have. It is your channel people subscribe to in order to be able to follow up on your video.
  5. It help organize you videos: Another importance of having a YouTube channel is that it helps in organizing your videos. With your channel, all your videos can be kept together. It could be likened to having a folder on your laptop or desktop where all your documents are kept together.
  6. Your channel is the first message you communicate to people: You will not see any youtuber asking people to subscribe to a video, they ask you to subscribe to their channel. Your channel is the first message you communicate to people. Instead of advising people to watch this video, that video etc on your channel, tell them about your channel and if they subscribe, they will have access to your other videos seamlessly. Without subscribing, they can also access your other videos but that will be individually. But by subscribing, they receive notification of your new videos.

How to grow a YouTube channel

Now that you have chosen to have a YouTube channel or you already have one, how do you grow it? Just as blogging is not all about publishing contents on your website, that is how YouTube is not all about uploading videos on your channel. It is possible to have 20 videos on YouTube over a space of 2 years, yet none of the videos will have up to 20 views individually. The few that may even watch it could be your family members as a way of supporting what you do. Thus, you need to put in effort to grow your channel.

Encourage subscribers: The first thing on how to grow your YouTube channel is to encourage subscription. Even the biggest channels with massive subscribers do same. There is no amount of subscribers that is too much for a channel such that, the more the subscribers you have on your channel, the better for you. In every video you do, ensure you don’t forget to tell your viewers to subscribe to your channel. Even if they do not have much to do, let them subscribe. When you want to monetize your channel, the number of subscribers you have matters a lot. As much as you encourage subscription to your channel, don’t be too careless to forget to add a subscribe button. 

Use social media: Social media is the secret of the growth of several channels like and Mirable chisom. Share your link on your social media profile. In fact, your social media account should be where you promote what you do. We do a lot on social media such that promoting your videos via these platform will help a lot. Instead of wasting much time on social media on frivolities, use that time to help yourself. Add the link to all your videos on all your social media channels. If you have much friends and followers on social media, look for every strategy to convert at least 10% of them to your subscribers. This can be achieved if you make your social media account interactive and valuable.

If you have a blog, link to your channel: If you have a blog, add your YouTube link to it. This is one of the biggest secrets of Neil Patel. He uploads his videos to his blog and when you want to watch it, it redirects to YouTube. If viewers see quality and value from your effort, they will surely subscribe. If you don’t succeed in making them subscribers, try and ensure that they watch your video. In trying to monetize your video, the rate of views matters a lot too.

Promote your channel: You can promote your channel through paid adverts. Several channels use paid medium to achieve this fit. Also, bear in mind that many other people offer the same service you do on your channel and that many subscribers has already subscribed to their channel. As such, use every available means to reach your potential subscribers and viewers. The aspect of promotion will surely not be easy because Rome was not built in a day. Try as much as possible with every available resource to promote your channel. Where money is needed, spend it because on the long run, you will recover far more than you spent.

Ensure your videos add quality: Also, ensure your videos add quality. If you succeed in adding top notch quality through your videos, you may not need to pressurize people to subscribe because good products sell themselves. Ten videos with awesome quality will do more than one hundred carelessly prepared videos. In blogging, it is believed that content is key, but then not just contents – quality content is key. What quality content is to blogging, that is what quality video is to YouTube. You will be able to track the kind of value your video adds to users by the kind of comments they drop. As such, read every comment and reply where necessary. This will make your channel more interactive.

Optimize all your videos: In blogging, you hear of optimizing contents, in YouTube, same thing applies. Optimize the title and meta description of every video you upload. This will help the YouTube algorithm rank your videos higher. The good news is that it is easier to rank a video on YouTube than to rank a blog post on search engines. This is because several search engines, only output ten contents for every search query, thereby making it a survival of the fittest. But on YouTube, several videos can be displaced at the same time but in different hierarchy.

Mention your other videos: If you do a video and there is another video you have done that relates to a point you are trying to present, then ensure you mention it on your current video and encourage your viewers to also watch it. In blogging, it is called inbound links. This will make viewers want to devour your videos as much as possible. When you mention a particular video in your current video, even if it is 5% of the viewers that go ahead to watch the referenced video, it goes a long way in helping you grow.

Email marketing: This is also one of Neil Patel’s strategies. In my blogging career, I have carefully followed Neil Patel and Brian Dean for several years. Many times, you get an email from Neil Patel about a particular content, on clicking the link you discover that it is actually a video that is been promoted instead of a supposed content. This way, you are able to reach a handful of people. Though this will be possible for those who already have a blog. If you add an email subscription button on your blog, you will be able to collect emails from your readers and in turn use the collected emails to reach your targeted audience with your latest videos.

Set a schedule: This may be a very silent point, yet it is a bonus to all the points stated above. In your career as a youtuber, try to have a schedule for uploading videos. There are some channels that upload videos with this strategy and it works for them. This channel uploads a video once a week and it is on Tuesdays. Although your subscribers will be notified when you upload a video on you channel, yet having a schedule and letting them know about it will make them more enthusiastic about what you do. Have a given upload frequency and be consistent with it. Do you want to upload videos daily, weekly, twice a week, twice a month, monthly etc? However you want to do it, go ahead but ensure that you are very consistent with it.

What makes a good video for youtube?

Then next thing to look at is quality of a good video. In blogging, there are some issues that may have a general principle but in YouTube, it may not be so. Let’s look at some of the qualities of a good video that can be uploaded on YouTube.

Shoot with good and clear camera: In order to have a good video, ensure it is shoot with a good camera. If your camera is good enough, then your video quality is assured. This is important because of the kind of people that the video is meant for. If the video is for your backyard neighbors, then talking about a good and clear camera may be out of it. But then if you are in South Africa, people from various countries will watch the videos.

If your quality of the video is not superb, they will leave you. Remember that competition is high, such that there are other people who do the same thing that you do. Do everything within your reach to ensure that you outsmart your competitors. To understand what quality video means, try watching videos by Neil Patel and Brian Dean. Don’t use your low quality phone camera to shoot any video that you intend to upload on YouTube. It demarkets you and can spoil your reputation.

Environment must be organized: If you want to shoot a video of how to cook, you will do it in your kitchen. Ensure your kitchen is neat enough to be showcased to the globe. Don’t leave plates unwashed or the floor unswept. Let the environment be very clean. If you want to shoot a video from your bedroom, make sure your bed is well arranged and there are not dirty clothes in sight. Though if your videos are not original, this may not be necessary for you because the original producers of the video might have done the necessary thing. What I mean here is that if you have a sport channel, it’s obvious that the videos you will upload are not originally yours, such that the original owners may have done the necessary.

Your editing must be professional: The work of a professional editor is fully needed because this is a video you are sending out to the world. As such, unprofessional work is not accepted here. Let the editing be very thorough and second to none so that it carries a positive signal to the viewers.

Your message matters: The message you intend to communicate matters a lot. Yet, beyond the message, your mode of presenting the video is also very important. Use the appropriate words always. If you intend teaching on a subject matter, then ensure you do not criticize what other people have done.

How long is your video? The length of your video should be put into consideration. Movies may be as long as possible but if it is a tutorial video, then try to keep it as short as possible say 7 minutes. ensure you communicate your messages correctly and completely.

Keyword research for your videos

Keyword research is done for your videos. You may have often heard about keyword research for blogging and websites, you never thought it happens on YouTube also. You cannot effectively achieve result for your videos when you overlook keyword research. Thus, ensure you do a thorough keyword research for you videos before publishing so that your video will rank in search result. As earlier stated, if you upload any video, your subscribers will be notified without anything in between. But then, where keyword research plays high relevance is for those who will search for videos without any particular channel in mind.

How to monetize your channel

The last thing I will talk about here before going over to blogging is monetization. The intention of every youtuber is to make money from the videos they upload. YouTube provides a monetization strategy for youtubers known as YouTube Partners Programme. This is similar to the Google adsense program for bloggers. To monetize your channel, there are basically two major conditions that you must meet;

  1. You must have at least 1000 subscribers: This may sound high but in the real sense, having 1000 subscribers is on the low side compared to what you will actually want to have. As such, you don’t think of monetizing when you do not have this number of subscribers. This is unlike the blogging counterpart where you may even apply for adsense a week after you create your blog and you may be lucky to get approved. As such, as a new beginner in the YouTube market, instead of strategizing on how to make money on your channel, pay attention to how to grow your subscriber base. With this you will be good to go.
  2. You must have 4000 watch hours: This also sounds ridiculous, but it is not. Apart from having at least 1000 subscribers on your channel, your channel must have at least 4000 watch hours. This means that people must watch your videos for a minimum total duration of 4000hrs before you qualify to apply. Suppose you make short videos of about 10 minutes, let’s do a simple calculation here.  To convert 4000hrs to minutes is 4000 X 60 = 240,000 minutes. To be able to achieve this within one year means that you must be consistent in uploading videos and promoting your channel. Suppose that at the end of your first year, you uploaded 50 videos of about 10 minutes each, it implies that 50 X 10 = 500, you have videos of a total of 500 minutes on your channel. 240,000 / 500 = 480. You need a minimum of 480 people to watch each video from beginning to end. But if you have thousands of subscribers on your channel, achieving this may not be a big deal. It is important to bear in mind that several videos are less than 10 minutes. As such, you will need more people to watch them for you to qualify for monetization

YouTube vs blogging – The big Question: Which of these two is easier for you to achieve?

YouTube vs blogging: Setting Up a Blog

Blogging has become a household name to the internet users, such that there is hardly an enlightened person who has not heard of it before. According to Wikipedia, a blog is a discussion or informational website published on the world wide web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). While according to hostlinger, a blog is a website or part of a website that contains regularly updated content about one or multiple topics. With these, it is clear that a blog is a platform where information is updated regularly.

Currently, you are reading a blog post and several of the sites you visit online are blogs. We are still trying to do an indepth comparison between YouTube and blogging and which of them is more advisable for newcomers.

The blogosphere has become very saturated such that people blog about everything. There are blogs that are just for animals, health, money, music, real estate, food and so on. For the fact that the need for information is on the rise daily, it has become necessary to have various niches in the blogosphere. As a result of this, there is hardly anything you search for on search engine without having result. This is possible because of the availability of various niches for blogging

Blogging is a bit more technical than running a YouTube channel because of the nature of work to be put into it to achieve result. Currently, there are over a billion websites on the internet with more than 50% of it been a blog. This means that we have more than five hundred million blogs worldwide. With this, you will find out that blogging is not a new thing. It has been in vogue for a very long time.

To understand more about the importance of blogging, you see many companies integrating a blog section on their site. With this, they can develop relevant contents around the focus of the company.

As a result of the high number of blogs currently, it has led to a very strong competition within every blogging niche. There is no single niche without competition. This is why if you type in a search query into Google search, it outputs thousands of results. This means that there are thousands of related contents to the search query you typed in.

Despite the millions of blog on the internet, thousands are still been designed daily. With this, you will find out that blogging is not what you do as a part time business. In order to stay relevant amidst the high rate of competition, you need time, serious work, knowledge and money.

Study has shown that bulk of the money on earth today is located on the internet; this is why we hear popular slogan “money has a new address”. Technology companies now control billions of dollars in revenue yearly. To take advantage of the new address of money, blogging is a very wonderful option

How stressful could blogging be?

Blogging could be extremely stressful depending on your blogging goals and strategy. What results do you want to achieve through blogging and what niche to you want to invest? Your intended result and niche will determine the level of effort to put in and stress to pass through. There are basically four categories of stress in blogging viz;

Getting contents: If you are a news blogger, then you will need a minimum of 20 contents daily. These contents must be current and relevant. On the other hand, if you blog about product reviews, you will not need that much number of contents daily. You may not even be able to get up to 20 contents monthly. This is because, to review products, you must do an in depth study and analysis. This is to say that the stress you pass through in getting contents is dependent on the niche you are in.

At infoducation, our target is not to get all the contents at once. We pay more attention to quality than quantity and as such, we publish less than 10 contents monthly. Thorough research has to be done before we conclude on a content. For example, this blog post you are reading is a product of 3 days thorough work, meanwhile a scholarship blogger would have written about 10 scholarship opening within these 3 days. Also, you may not be able to do it all alone, you will need to hire writers to write contents for you. Suppose you are a news blogger with the intention of publishing 15 contents daily, you will wear yourself out with much work. You will not be able to do it alone

Optimizing the contents: After going through the stress of getting contents for your blog, the next category of stress is optimizing those contents. In my first blog, I had the target of publishing 3 contents daily. At that time, I never knew what SEO was all about. I thought blogging was all about publishing contents. I never knew about google search console, web master tools and backlinks. With this I blogged without any experience. The effect was that nobody ever came to my blog. This stated, you must optimize all your contents to suit search engines and your readers

Growing your blog: Growing your blog is another subject matter entirely such that I will not dwell much on it. Here is a guide on how to grow your blog

Monetizing your blog: When you have set all things in place, the next thing is to monetize it. Recently, applying for Google AdSense has become very tough. Same thing for other affiliate programs. This is why you must spell out your target before venturing into it. Most times, the proposed target may not become the outcome. In that case, what will be the next alternative?

How to monetize your blog

Irrespective of your blogging goal, the most important thing is to make money through blogging. Here are few ways to monetize your blog

Apply for advertisement: You can apply to run adverts on your blog and in turn make money. The most popular advertisement agencies are Google Adsense, bidvertiser and Medianet, though there are several others. Leverage on them and turn your blog into a money generator for you.

Affiliate programs: You can subscribe for various affiliate programs and make money from every sale made through your link. There are tons of affiliate programs you can subscribe to, popular among them is Amazon, jumia, namecheap, maxbounty etc.

Sell a product or service: You can use your blog to sell a product or service to interested buyers and in turn make money. You can sell ebooks, devices etc. you can also sell your skill (graphic design, web development etc) via your blog

Conduct training: Several bloggers like Brian Dean conduct trainings on SEO and other related subject matters. These trainings are been paid for and as such, he rakes in hundreds of thousands of dollars through the registrations

Comparison between YouTube vs blogging

Having written an in-depth content on either running a YouTube channel or starting a blog (YouTube vs blogging), let me then compare my findings under few subheadings

  1. YouTube vs blogging Ease of setting up

The first thing to compare in our study of YouTube vs blogging is the ease of setting up a YouTube channel and creating a blog site. To create a blog, here are the steps;

Choose a niche: You first choose the niche you want to blog about. Some niches include, food, sports, fashion, entertainment, technology, animals, health etc. For ease, this is a guideline on the best blogging niches

Register a domain: After you have chosen a niche for yourself, the next thing is to find an appropriate domain name. Here is a guide on how to choose best domain name for your blog. When you have chosen the domain, search for its availability on, if it is available you head on to register it. If it is not, you keep trying others till you get an available domain. Most preferable, register your domain on namecheap

Buy a hosting plan: You can also buy a hosting plan on namecheap to host your blog. If you want to register and host your domain on namecheap, then you can perform both concurrently. Head over to buy a hosting plan and from there, you will have an option to add a domain. This will be a better option if you want to buy and host in the same company instead of separating these two steps.

Look for professional web developer: After you have bought registered your domain name and bought your hosting plan, the next thing is to look for a professional website developer who will build your blog.

Get contents: The next thing is to get contents to on your blog. Getting contents may not be so difficult because of the availability of content developers. With just little money you can get SEO optimized contents for any niche of your choice. To get content writer, choose

To create a youtube channel, follow the steps below;

Choose a niche: It is also important to choose a niche for your channel. It maybe comedy, sport, technology, how to make money, entertainment etc

You must have a google account: YouTube is a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc, the parent company of Google. Google has a central database system such that with a single account, you can access all their features and functionalities. Thus, with your google account, you can create a YouTube

Follow the link here for other steps

From this, you will find out that in our comparison of YouTube vs blogging, setting up a blog is more expensive than setting up a YouTube channel.

2. YouTube vs blogging Effort and time needed

Between having a YouTube channel and running a blog, which of them requires more time and effort. In blogging, you must go all out to get contents. This is because content is key. There are some blogs that publish more than 20 contents every day. Freelance writers makes this possible as the can create contents for little money. Also, ranking your blog on search engine is not an easy task because of the technicalities of Search Engine Optimization and link building. As such blogging is not what you do as part time if you want to reap huge financial benefits.

For YouTube, you do not necessarily need so much contents like blog. As stated, there are several blogs that publish more than 20 contents daily, meanwhile for YouTube, you do not need such massive efforts. You can choose to upload one video per week and if well optimized, you will be fine on the long run. But then, in having quality video, you must higher the service of a good videographer who will not only capture the moments, but also edit it professionally.

3. YouTube vs blogging: Monetization

Between YouTube and blogging, which of them is easier to monetize and which has more monetization options. On youtube, the major advertisement option is the YouTube Partners program which helps youtubers make money from the video they share. Depending on the number of views you get per video, your revenue from youtube could be amazing. Though it could also not be much. The location of those who click the ads served on your videos will determine the kind of revenue you generate. The point is that clicks from first world countries pays more than those from third world countries. Several persons through their channels rakes in thousands of dollars monthly which is good enough for them.

Also, it is an added revenue for technological companies like Ahrefs, NPdigital, Backlinko etc. Getting approval to show adverts on your channel depends on the two factors which have been explained above; having a minimum of 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours.

In blogging, there are several means of monetization but the most popular is Google Adsense, a monetization service provided by google to help website owners generate money from their blog. Other monetization options for bloggers include; affiliate programs, sell of materials, sponsored posts, direct advertising etc. These are various options to monetize your blog such that when one does not pay, the other may pay. This means that blogging has a more vast monetization strategy than YouTube. Though, it is very possible for YouTube to pay more than blogging. This all depends on the quality of traffic both generates.

4. YouTube vs blogging: Revenue

As stated in the point above, the revenue of both depends on the quality and quantity traffic generated. It cannot be categorically said that youtube pays more than blog or vice versa. The major advantage blog has over YouTube is the fact that it has more monetization option. You can generate several thousands of dollars from the affiliate programmes you subscribe, from the sales of materials and courses, from sponsored posts and direct advertising, adding to your main monetization. With this blog can pay more than YouTube but since not all blogs subscribe for other monetization alternatives, then we will not be able to categorically say which pays higher.

5. YouTube vs blogging: Promotion

The promotion of both YouTube vs blogging are very tough and none is easy but it appears as though promoting a blog demands more than promoting your channel. Most of the strategies that can be used to grow your blog can also be used for YouTube promotion. But then, for blog, it appears more technical and demanding. If you have much followers on your social media accounts, the work of promoting your videos has reduced tremendously though it will be limited to only your followers on those platforms.

This is one of the biggest strategies practiced by Reno Omokri that makes him have thousands of views just within hours. The same is applicable to musicians who make hundreds of thousands of views just within hours of the release of a video. This is because your audience knows exactly what then they go to YouTube. Knowing what they want, there is no need for random searches in search of solution.

But for blogging, it is not that way. Even if you share you link to social media, it will attract traffic to your website but to be compared to that of YouTube. You can hardly see a single content on a blog with up to two million views within a whole year. But a single video on YouTube can get twice that view within a week. This means that it seems a bit easier to promote your channel than your blog.

6. YouTube vs blogging: Affordability

The next comparison between YouTube vs blogging is the affordability. Which of them is more affordable? I have stated earlier that for blog, you need a domain name, a host, a designer and you need to constantly promote it so as to get more traffic. But for YouTube, the process of creating a channel is completely free but in creating videos, some funds are needed. Though, with phones that have good camera quality, you can easily record your video and upload. But for the sake of professionalism, you will surely need to hire a videographer. This still means that YouTube is more affordable than blogging

7. YouTube vs blogging: People’s preference

How do people compare YouTube services and blogging? In this dispensation, several people prefer to watch than to read. This means that if I transcribe this post to a video and upload on YouTube, more people will tend to watch it than those who will read it. When ease is considered, YouTube goes first before blogging. But several people (mostly Africans) are more conscious of the fact that watching a video consumes more data than reading a blog post.

8. YouTube vs blogging: Which his more sustainable

Running a YouTube channel seems to more sustainable than running a blog. In blogging, it is possible that your domain name and hosting could expire without the fund to renew them. At that point, you stand the chance to lose all the contents you worked hard to get. But in YouTube, there is no need for renewal. Your account is on the YouTube platform, such that if anything happens, you can return at some other time and continue from where you stop. With this, it means that YouTube is more sustainable than blogging


Having prepared such an in-depth comparison of YouTube vs blogging with several parameters, I conclude by stating clearly that the final decision is yours to make. The both can make you financially stable though there are lots of things involved


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